Example 17: Winkler's model and Isotropic elastic half-space soil medium

altDescription of the problem

A simple example was carried out to verify Winkler's model and Isotropic elastic half space soil medium, by comparing ELPLA results with those of Mikhaiel (1978) (Example 34, page 189) and Henedy (1987) ( Section 3.6, page 66) (or Bazaraa (1997)).

A square raft of 0.4 [m] thickness and 10 [m] side was chosen and subdivided into 64 square elements, each has dimensions of 1.25 [m] × 1.25 [m]. The raft carries four column loads, each 500 [kN] as shown in Figure 27.


 Example 17: Winkler's model and Isotropic elastic half-space soil medium

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